Our faculty members make up the Instructional Areas that include Plant Biology & Biotechnology, Sustainable Agricultural Production & Technology, as well as Landscape Architecture & Landscape Management.
Please click on the faculty names below for more information. Names are listed alphabetically
Faculty Member | Contact Information | Research Focus |
Agent Associate in Food Safety email: callen12@umd.edu | room: PLS 2125E | Phone: 301.405.7543 |
Associate Professor and Director, Environmental Science and Policy Program email: mcarroll@umd.edu | room: PLS 2132 | Phone: 301.405.1339
Assistant Clinical Professor email: cochrand@umd.edu | room: PLS 2133 | Phone: 301.405.4336 |
Associate Professor email: gcoleman@umd.edu | room: PLS 6142 | Phone: 301.405.4371 |
Professor email: jculver@umd.edu | room: PLS 6139 | phone: 301.405.2912 |
PLSC399 opportunities may be available during the Fall and Spring semesters. Please email for more information. |
Professor email: cdellis@umd.edu | room: PLS 2144 | phone: 301.405.7782 |
Professor and Chair email: jerwin@umd.edu | room: PLS 2104 | phone: 301.405.4356 |
Professor & Director- Wye Research Center and the Harry R. Hughes Center for AgroEcology email: keverts@umd.edu | phone: 410.827.8056 |
Assistant Professor email: mfarcuh@umd.edu | room:PLS 2116 phone:301.405.1323 |
PLSC399 opportunities may be available during the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. Please email the semester prior for more information. |
Agent Associate email: angfer@umd.edu | room: PLS 2126 | phone: 302.353.7159
Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist email: nfiorell@umd.edu | room: PLS 2124 | phone: 301.405.6241 |
Assistant Clinical Professor email: kflemin2@umd.edu | room: PLS 2132 | phone: 301.405.4335 |
Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist email: mjhu@umd.edu | room: PLS 2106 | phone: 301.405.5586 |
Professor email: kweonb@umd.edu | room: PLS 2140 | phone: 301.405.4341 |
Professor and Extension Specialist email: jlc@umd.edu | room: PLS 2120 | phone: 301.405.4323 |
PLSC399 opportunities may be available during the Fall and Spring semesters. Please email a proposal discussion at least a month prior to the semester. |
Professor, PLSC Graduate Admissions Chair email: smicall@umd.edu |room: PLS 2126 phone: 301.405.4369 |
PLSC399 opportunities may be available during the Fall and Spring semesters. Please email the semester prior for more information. |
Associate Professor, LARC Director & MLA Program Chair email: dnmyers@umd.edu | room:PLS 2146 |phone: 301.405.4350 |
Professor email: mneel@umd.edu | room: PLS 6117 |phone: 301.405.9780 |
Assistant Clinical Professor email: billii@umd.edu | room: PLS 2131 | phone: 301.405.1061
Professor email: yiping@umd.edu | room: PLS 5121 | phone: 301-405-7682 |
Director, Maryland Plant Diagnostic Lab email:rane@umd.edu | room: PLS 3134 | phone: 301.405.1611 |
Associate Professor, PLSC Director email: nidhirwt@umd.edu | room: PLS 2114 | phone: 301.405.9744 |
Assistant Professor email: danielrl@umd.edu | room: PLS 6123 | phone: 301.405.0920 |
Associate Professor, BLA Program Chair email: druggeri@umd.edu | room: PLS 2136 | phone: 301.405.0229
Assistant Professor email: nsachs@umd.edu | room: PLS 2134 | phone: 301.405.1602 |
Assistant Professor email: fsh@umd.edu | room: PLS 2110 | phone: 301.405.4355 |
Assistant Professor email: csilvert@umd.edu | room: PLS 2131 | phone: 301.405.4356 |
Associate Professor email: jack@umd.edu | room: PLS 2142 | phone: 301.405.0106 |
Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Programs email: jsull@umd.edu | room: PLS 2122 | phone: 301-405-1626 |
Assistant Professor email: vktiwari@umd.edu | room: PLS 2125J | phone: 301.405.1730 |
PLSC399 opportunities may be available during the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. Please email for more information. Interview process required before acceptance in the lab and PLSC399. |
Associate Professor email:kltully@umd.edu | room: PLS 2108 | phone: 301.405.1469 |
PLSC399 opportunities may be available during the Fall and Spring semesters. Undergrads must apply and go through an interview process before they are accepted into PLSC399. There is a required discussion group component, which is run by my grad students. |
Assistant Clinical Professor, AGST Director email: drmwelsh@umd.edu | room: PLS 2130 | Phone: 301.405.6969 |
Professor email: xiao@umd.edu | room: PLS 2102 |phone: 240.314.6480 |
Affiliate & Adjunct Faculty
Contact Information | Research Focus | |
Affiliate Professor email: baldwin@umd.edu | ENST | phone: 301.405.7855 |
Affiliate Principal Agent email: bbeale@umd.edu | St. Mary's County | phone: 301.475.4481 |
Affiliate Principal Agent email: bbutlers@umd.edu | UME- Carroll County | phone: 410.386.2760 |
Affiliate Professor email: carenc@umd.edu | phone: 301.405.1643 |
ethylene hormone signaling |
Dr. Priscilla Chaverri Adjunct Associate Professor email: pchaverr@umd.edu |
Affiliate Principal Agent, Home & Garden Information Center (HGIC) email: clement@umd.edu | phone: 410.531.558 |
Affiliate Professor email: apdavis@umd.edu | CEE | phone: 301.405.1958 |
Affiliate Professor email: jfeijo@umd.edu | CMNS | phone: 301.405.4906 |
Affiliate Senior Agent email: jlewis2@umd.edu | UME-Caroline County | phone: 410.479.4030 |
Affiliate Professor email: zliu@umd.edu | phone: 301.405.1586 |
Department of Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics |
Affiliate Principal Agent email: myersrd@umd.edu | Anne Arundel County | phone: 410.222.3906 |
Affiliate Assistant Professor email: mpzucker@umd.edu | ENST | phone: 301.405.1178 |
Affiliate Associate Professor email: wapeer@umd.edu | ENST | phone: 301.405.5491 |
Affiliate Senior Agent email: aristvey@umd.edu | Wye Research Center | phone: 410.827.8056 x 113 |
Affiliate Associate Professor email: dtilley@umd.edu | ENST | phone: 301.405.1306 |
Agent email: kvollmer@umd.edu | Wye Research and Education Center | phone: 410-827-8056 |
Contact Information | Research Focus | |
Associate Professor Emeritus email: jbouwkam@umd.edu |
Professor Emeritus email: scohan@umd.edu |
Professor Emeritus email: costaj@umd.edu |
Professor Emeritus email: pd@umd.edu | phone: 301.405.1337 |
Dr. Thomas FretzDean Emeritus email:tfretz@umd.edu |
Dr. Donald Scott GlennAssociate Professor Emeritus email: sglenn@umd.edu |
Dr. Arvydas GrybauskasAssociate Professor Emeritus email: arvydas@umd.edu |
Professor Emeritus email: wkenwort@umd.edu |
Professor Emeritus email: mmcintos@umd.edu |
Professor Emeritus email: asmurphy@umd.edu |
Professor Emeritus email: binkley@umd.edu |
Instructor email: dnola@umd.edu | room: PLS 2138 | phone: 301.405.0066 |
Dr. Ronald RitterProfessor Emeritus email: rlritter@umd.edu |
Associate Professor Emeritus email: vough@umd.edu |
Professor Emeritus email: cswalsh@umd.edu | room: PLS 2118 | phone: 301.405.4351; 240.461.5149 |
Dr. Robert WileyProfessor Emeritus email: rwiley@umd.edu |
Lecturer | Contact Information | Research Focus |
Lecturer with 20+ years of landscape architectural office practice specializing in graphic communication and planting design |
Lecturer & University Landscape Architect, Project Manager at UMBC email: pscho@umd.edu |
Academic Advisor and Lecturer email:dcortez@umd.edu | room: PLS 2139 | Phone: 301.405.4359 |
Lecturer (LARC120) email: cmach15@umd.edu |
Sherry RussellLecturer email: slr2020@umd.edu
Lecturer (PLSC471) email: sandersj@umd.edu
Jeff Server, ASLA, LEED AP BD +C Lecturer & Project Manager/Project Architect at Prism Design Collective |
Dan Straub, ASLA, APA, PLA, LEED AP Lecturer (LARC321); Landscape Architect - DFB & PUSH Urban Design Studio |
Lecturer (LARC489R, LARC620, LARC689C) and visual artist email: jamesw@umd.edu |
Caren Yglesias, Ph.D., AIA, Affil. ASLA Lecturer (LARC 263); Architect; author of the recent book, Desert Gardens of Steve Martino (Monacelli, 2018) |
Lecturer (PLSC112, PLSC113) email: kmgriffi@umd.edu |
Post Doctoral
Contact Information | Research Focus | |
Yanhao Cheng Post-Doctoral Associate email: chy2019@g.umd.edu |
Scott David Cosseboom Post-Doctoral Associate email: scossebo@g.umd.edu |
Hong Fang Post-Doctoral Associate email: hfang88@g.umd.edu |
Megha Gupta Post-Doctoral Associate email: mgupta38@g.umd.edu |
Seyedali Hosseinirad Post-Doctoral Associate email: hrad@g.umd.edu
Zhuangji Wang Post-doctoral Scholar email: | phone: 301.405.1469 |
Blaise Jumbam Post-doctoral Scholar email: jblaise@g.umd.edu |
Gen Li Post-Doctoral Associate email: gli2013@g.umd.edu |
Weifeng Luo Post-Doctoral Associate email: luowf@g.umd.edu |
Preeti Patel Post-Doctoral Associate email: ppatel58@g.umd.edu |
Gautam Saripalli Post-Doctoral Associate email: guatams@g.umd.edu |
Parva Kumar Sharma Post-Doctoral Associate email: pksharma@g.umd.edu
Simon Sretenovic Post-doctoral Scholar email: simonsre@g.umd.edu |
Aytug Tuncel Post-doctoral Scholar email: atuncel@g.umd.edu |
Xiaoyu Wang Post-Doctoral Associate email: xwang147@g.umd.edu |