
Master of Extension Education

Master of Extension Education

The Master of Extension Education features a multi-disciplinary program with core courses focused on principles of Extension in needs assessment, program development, evaluation, and social science research methodology as well as a suite of supportive elective courses in a variety of Extension specialty areas.  Graduates with Extension education experiences are prepared for dynamic careers in secondary and post-secondary education, non-profits, government, and leadership roles in enterprise.

Admission Requirements

General Requirements
Program-Specific Requirements

Apply now!

Program logo

For more information please contact the Program Director, Dr. Melissa Welsh, or Co-director, Dr. Colby Silvert



Admission FAQs

In the video below Dr. Melissa Leiden Welsh provides an overview of our Extension Education program.

Topics discussed include:

  • Overview
  • Required Courses
  • Thesis vs Non-thesis option
  • Elective Courses
  • DC Consortium availability
  • Transfer Credits
  • Contact

Program Information


The Master of Extension Education offers a thesis and non-thesis option.

  • Thesis Option: For the thesis option, 6 credit hours must be in AGST 799, "Master’s Thesis Research." The thesis should be completed towards the end of the student's coursework. The thesis must be approved by the Thesis Examining Committee, which consists of three members of the graduate faculty. The chair of the committee should be the student’s thesis advisor.

  • Non-Thesis Option: For the non-thesis option, a minimum of 6 credit hours must be from courses numbered 600 and above. Instead of a thesis, students should submit one professional article in publication ready format or present an individually created research based creative component (curricula, professional training design, learning media product, etc.) to the Non-Thesis Review Committee, which consists of three members of the graduate faculty. The chair of the committee should be the student’s advisor.


Course Number

Course Title

Course Description


Program Planning and Evaluation in Agricultural Education

Analysis of community agricultural education needs, selection and organization of course content, criteria and procedures for evaluating programs.


Teaching-Learning in Adult and Continuing Education

The teaching and learning process in adult continuing education. Instructional techniques and methodologies appropriate for adults. The curriculum development process. Issues and priorities in adult continuing education.


Extension Research Methods with Applied Data Analysis

Examine foundational qualitative and quantitative research methods in real-world social and behavioral settings for extension and outreach educators. This course enables you to distinguish, select and apply research methods to conduct social science research in a non-formal education setting. A variety of data analysis approaches will be examined across Extension and outreach education applications.


Analysis of Maryland Agriculture

An advanced research focused course on examining the mission and history of the Land Grant System as well as appraising the current work conducted through the University of Maryland Extension to extend research to citizens. Often referred to as America in miniature, Maryland boasts diverse people, agricultural practices, cultures, and ecosystems which students will examine to perceive the decision making processes within and across ecological systems. An enriching field practicum with an agricultural agency is required.

For a list of additional approved courses for the Master of Extension Education, visit the Academic Catalog.

These faculty members have committed to advising students in the Master's of Extension Education Program. Feel free to reach out to whomever matches your field of interest:

Student Committee Advisors

Contact Information

Work Focus

Photo of Alex Chan


Alex Chan, Ph. D., LMFT

Symons Hall

1208 Symons Hall

College Park, Maryland 20742

Family & Consumer Science Specialist

  • Farm Stress Management
  • Maryland Rural Opioid Technical Assistance
  • Relationship Education
  • Family Relations and Health
  • Mental Health
  • Youth Development
  • Healthy Dating
  • Identity Development
Photo of Diana Cochran


Diana Cochran Ph. D.

Plant Science & Landscape Architecture

2133 Plant Sciences Building 4291 Fieldhouse Drive

College Park, MD 20742

Assistant Clinical Professor

  • Horticulture
  • Commercial Crop Production
  • Crop Diversification
  • Relationship Between Plants and Environmental Variables
  • Sustainable In-season Crop Management Practices
Anna Mae Glenn

Anna Mae Glenn 

Frederick County Extension

330 Montevue Lane

Frederick, MD 21702

4-H Agent, Frederick County

  • Global agriculture

  • Global citizenship
  • Cross-cultural teaching
  • Positive youth development
  • Agricultural literacy
  • Urban agriculture
  • agricultural entrepreneurship
  • Volunteer management
  • Animal sciences

Photo of Nicole F

Nicole Fiorellino, Ph. D.

Plant Science & Landscape Architecture

2124 Plant Sciences Building 4291 Fieldhouse Drive

College Park, Maryland 20742

Assistant Professor & Extension Agent Specialist 

  • Agronomic Crop Production
  • Agriculture Extension
  • Producer-driven Research
Photo of Darren Jarboe


Darren Jarboe

University of Maryland Extension Agriculture & Food Systems

2115 Symons Hall 7998 Regents Drive

College Park, MD 20742

Assistant Director & Principal Extension Agent 

  • Assistant Director and Agriculture and Food Systems Program Leader
  • Agribusiness Management
  • Agricultural Production
  • Bio-renewables
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Technology Commercialization
Photo of Andrew Kness


Andrew Kness

 Harford County Agricultural Center

3525 Conowingo Rd. Suite 600 Street,

Maryland 21154

Senior Extension Agent

  • Agronomy
  • Plant Pathology
  • Pasture Management
  • Diseases of Field Crops
  • Soils
  • Agricultural Science
Photo of Neith Little


Neith Little

University of Maryland Extension Office in Baltimore City

6615 Reisterstown Road Suite 201

Baltimore, Maryland 21215

Extension Agent

  • Urban Agriculture
  • Soil Science
  • Small and Beginning Farms
Photo of Luke Macaulay


Luke Macaulay, Ph. D.

Wye Research and Education Center

124 Wye Narrows Dr,

Queenstown, MD 21658

Extension Agent Specialist

  • Wildlife Resources
  • Wildlife Management 
Photo of Kurt Vollmer


Kurt Vollmer

Wye Research and Education Center

124 Wye Narrows Drive

Queenstown, MD 21658

Extension Agent Specialist

  • Weed Management
Xuan Wei


Xuan Wei, Ph.D.

Clarksville Facility

4240 Folly Quarter Road

Central Maryland Research and Education Center (CMREC)

Ellicott City, MD 21042

Extension Specialist, Urban Farm and Agribusiness Management

  • Urban Agriculture
  • Agricultural Business
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Experimental Economics
  • Economic Impact Analysis
  • Specialty Crop Marketing

Course Registration & Advising


For more information on mentoring, please see our Statement of Mutual Expectations for Mentoring document. 

Course Advising

Each semester, please meet with your faculty advisor, Dr. Melissa Leiden Welsh ( or Dr. Colby Silvert (, to go over advising for coursework requirements. After you meet, send an email to including your UID# and listing the classes you plan to take the following semester. Either  Dr. Leiden Welsh or Diana (with permission from Dr. Welsh or Dr. Silvert) will lift the advising block. Students should meet a minimum of once each semester with their committee and thesis advisors. 

As you sign up for classes each semester you'll find that you have an advising block. In order for these to be lifted we'll need from AEED students:

  • Written confirmation from your advisor that you are cleared to register for the next semester. Please see 'Tips' below for format.

  • Your UID#; we need this to access your account.  

  • An updated Plan of Study, if applicable. If we are missing any other forms from you we will let you know.

  • In your first semester of enrollment, we recommend that you take one of the AGST core courses (605, 606,630, 640) for the Master of Extension degree.


  • Before registering for classes you must meet with your faculty advisor to confirm your progress towards completing your degree. Either your advisor can email directly on your behalf or you can email a statement and CC your advisor such as the one below:

    • With this email I confirm that I have met with my faculty advisor and/or committee, [INSERT NAME] who is included in this email. No modifications have been made to my Plan of Study. 

  • My faculty advisor has approved that I register for courses for the upcoming semester. My name is [INSERT NAME] and my UID number is [INSERT UID #].

  • Updates: If any modifications need to be made to your Plan of Study please update the plan and send the latest version by email. It is of the utmost importance that your Plan of Study is updated as these changes will be made into which is used by the Graduate School at the time of your graduation. 

  • Again, always copy your faculty advisor when emailing regarding lifting advising blocks.

  • Important: Please remember that it is your responsibility to keep track and understand the deadlines and implications of not meeting them. There are financial implications when the deadlines are not met.

    • Academic Deadlines 

    • Explanation of Schedule Adjustment Period

      • It is important to read through this page. Modifying your schedule may result in financial penalties that become your responsibility. 

        • We would like to avoid you getting charged for modifying your schedule after the first day of classes. Graduate students do get a financial charge if they drop and add courses on different days and that do not equal in credit hours. 

          • You must drop before classes begin or make adjustments according to the policy.

          • During the Schedule Adjustment substitutions must occur on the same day, and 

          • Substitutes must be equivalent in credits.


Graduate School Information and Deadlines

Deadlines for admissions, class registration, fellowship and award, thesis, dissertation and graduation can be found on the Graduate School's website.  

University academic deadlines (drop/add, credit level changes, withdrawal, etc.) can be found on the Office of the Registrar's Academic Deadlines page.

Reminder: It is the responsibility of the student to comply with the various deadlines.  In many cases, exceptions will not be granted.

Graduate Student Registration

Please remember that it is your responsibility to keep track and understand the deadlines and implications of not meeting them.  There are financial implications when the deadlines are not met. 

 Academic Deadlines    Explanation of Schedule Adjustment Period             


Graduate School Forms

Click below to access graduate school forms including:

  • Fellowship and Financial Forms

  • Petitions, Requests, and Waivers

  • Thesis and Dissertation Forms

  • Approved Program Forms (M.S. only)

  • Graduation Forms

  • General Forms (GA, TA, and RA Statement of Mutual Expectations)

  • Faculty and Staff Forms

Graduate School Forms

AEED Forms

If you fill out a form this may require the signature of the Graduate Director. Please include the Graduate Director, Dr. Melissa Welsh, when submitting these forms to the Graduate School.

SOP |  How To: Fill and Sign Graduate forms using Adobe Acrobat for Internal Department Use 

All internal forms must be digitally signed and submitted. Please use Adobe Acrobat (desktop app or online cloud) as detailed above.

Be sure to send these forms to the Instructional Programs Office at

Contact us today!

Interested in learning more about our programs? Visit us!

Department of Plant Science & Landscape Architecture. For a tour of the Department of Plant Science & Landscape Architecture, please fill out a webform. We look forward to your visit!

University of Maryland Tours. Don’t forget to schedule a campus tour! Also, check out the AGNR Prospective Students page for useful resources including information on financial aid and scholarships. 

 Contact us today! Schedule a campus tour