
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

December 17, 2018

Remember PARK(ing) Day this past September? The
Student ASLA sure does! In fact, the Student ASLA
was recognized as the winner of the PARK(ing) Day
Instagram Contest at the Potomac ASLA Chapter
Celebration. Students ASLA members Andrew Cho
(Fundraising Chair), Raena Nola (Events Chair), Andrew
Knaak (Media Chair), and Jasmine Whims (Treasurer)
represented the student chapter at the event. Our
PARK(ing) Day photos on Instagram featured both the
Senior and Junior studios’ park-let designs. Andrew
Knaak had high praise for the event: “The celebration
was a really good experience. All the chapter members
were excited to see students come out to the event.
Receiving this award was a great feeling.”