
MD Crops

Agronomic Research at UMD



The first UMD-TAPS competition is launching in 2025! The Testing Ag Performance Solutions competition provides farmers with a zero-risk opportunity to advance their agricultural management skills and knowledge. Set up like a yield competition, participants make management decisions such as variety selection, fertility, pest management, and irrigation and their management decisions will be executed in small plots at the Wye Research and Education Center. Decisions made by all participants will be executed in one field, in a true head-to-head competition. At the end of the season, we will award "Most Profitable", "Most Efficient", and "Highest Yield" awards. 

TAPS 2025

In 2025, we are offering an Irrigated Corn and Irrigated Soybean competitions, with space for 20 corn participants or teams and 15 soybean participants or teams. To enroll in one or both competitions, complete this form and further instructions will be emailed to you. Space is limited, so grab a team and sign up now!

The UMD-TAPS Irrigated Soybean competition is sponsored by Maryland Soybean Board

Maryland Soybean Board logo

Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School

2024 Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School was held on November 19-21, 2024. The permanent link for Crop School information is Reach out to Dr. Nicole Fiorellino with any questions about the event.

2025 Event information will be available after Labor Day, 2025