
Extension in PSLA

University of Maryland Extension (UME) is a statewide, non-formal education system within the college of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the University of Maryland Eastern Shore.

UME educational programs and problem-solving assistance are available to citizens and are based on the research and experience of land grant universities such as the University of Maryland, College Park.

In Maryland, UME employs approximately 200 faculty and approximately 200 support staff and contractual employees located at the University of Maryland, College Park; University of Maryland Eastern Shore; 23 counties; Baltimore City; and four research and education centers. Many UME faculty members located on the College Park and Eastern Shore campuses have joint appointments with research and academic programs. These joint appointments promote the exchange of knowledge between the universities and among academic specialties

UME Statewide Extension Specialists in PSLA


Kate Everts


Vegetable Crop Diseases joint with U of Delaware

Macarena Farcuh Assistant Professor Fruit Quality & Postharvest Fruit Physiology/Biology


Nicole Fiorellino

Assistant Professor

Agronomy Cropping Systems


Mengjun Hu

Assistant Professor

Plant Pathology


John Lea-Cox


Nursery and Greenhouse Systems


Karen Rane


Plant Diagnostic Laboratory

UME Limited Statewide Extension Specialists in PSLA

Dr. Mark Carroll

Associate Professor

Turf System Nutrient Management

Dr. Nidhi Rawat

Assistant Professor

Crop Pathology

Dr. Chris Walsh


Fruit Vegetable Crop Production/GAPs

UME PSLA Affiliates

Bryan Butler

Principle Agent- Carroll County

Horticultural Production

Dr. David Clement

Principle Agent & Extension Specialist

Plant Pathology

Dr. Joseph  Fiola

Principle Agent & Extension Specialist

Vitaculture and Small Fruit

James Lewis

Senior Agent-Caroli ne County

Soybean Production/ Agronomy

Dr. Andrew Ristvey

Senior Agent & Extension Specialist

Commercial  Horticulture

Dr. Sara Tangren

Agent Associate

Master Gardener Trainer

Dr. Robert Tjaden

Principle Agent

Environmental and Resource


Dr. R. Dave Myers

Principle Agent

Fruits & Vegetables Crops, Agronomy Field Crops, Weed Science, No-Tillage Technology, Pasture & Hay Production 

Chuck Schuster

Principle Agent


Benjamin Beale

Senior Agent

Agricultural Sciences Business Management

PSLA Adjunct Extension Agents


Dr. Alyssa Koehler Adjunct Extension Specialist

Crop Pathology

Dr. Joseph Roberts Adjunct Assistant Professor Turf Pathology