Look here to find resources that were used as background information for the Food Safety Newsletter for Maryland Farmers
Week # 23, Cyclospora in the News
Table of Cyclosporiasis Outbreaks in the United States 1997 - 2014, page 1
Table of Cyclosporiasis Outbreaks in the United States 1997 - 2014, page 2
Week # 29, What is Traceability All About?
A Guide to Drafting a Recall Plan for Maryland Produce Growers
Week #32, What is Cleaning and What is Sanitizing
PSA Labeled Sanitizers For Produce Excel
Week #41, Updates, Part 1
Week #46 MDA GAP checklist, updated
Week #48 COVID Strategies for 2021
COVID-19 Updates for Maryland Farmers
Week #49 Is HGAP Certification in Your Future?
Preparing and Writing USDA Harmonized GAP Audit Risk Assessments
Week #56 Troubleshooting Deep Wells
Disinfection of a Public Water System Well
Week September 18, 2023
Agenda Food Safety Workshop at the Terp Farm 9.30.23
Week March 10, 2025
Persistent Patterns of E. coli Concentrations in Two
Irrigation Ponds from 3 Years of Monitoring